During the 40 years, SEI KWOK learn a few things in business. Now we apply that expertise with experience to serve clients and communities. We work alongside farmers, producers, manufacturers, retailers, governments, and other organizations to fulfill our purpose to serve the world in a safe, responsible and sustainable environment. Together, we create efficiencies, develop innovations, and help communities thrive.

Our Service

SEI KWOK provides input, training, expertise, funding and risk management tools to small farmers and agricultural associations to help them increase productivity and incomes. We help them take their products to different markets. We process a wide variety of agricultural products into the food, feed and necessities the world needs and deliver them to their consumer destinations. We work with leading domestic consumer, restaurant and retail brands to create innovative products that serve changing consumer values.

Our Partners

We provide nutrition for livestocks with advanced feed products and work with farmers and scientists to ensure livestock health to sustainably meet the growing global demand for livestock protein. We work with community leaders, nonprofits and others to enrich the places where we live and work to build a strong, sustainable future for agriculture.

Our Service Chain